How can I forget my wedding day?

A budget one for sure.

Dress £22 from BHS children’s section, for a 13-year-old.

Still, it was too big, so I had to alter it myself.

Shoes only £20 pounds, they were satin too.

A pretty, glittering headband, £3.

Wedding guests confirmed:

My father-in-law, my friend Viki, Simon’s friend James. My mother-in-law is busy, of course she is, she can’t make it. 

Venue: Peterborough registry office.

All set and it actually started well.

Here comes the bit where all gets a bit weird!

The lady registrar asks me for my husband’s name.

I say Simon.

She says, “and?”

“What and?”

“Other names?” she replies.

I look behind me to his dad and my friend Viki.

“I don’t know other names, I know Simon,” I say.

At this point everyone was trying not to laugh, including the registrar. 

I look at Simon.

“You got other names? You never told me.”

Simon turns red.

I come eye to eye with the registrar.

“I know Simon, I know no other names.”

She tells me his other names.

Hurray, I finally know the name of the man I am about the get married.

He was called Simon Thomas Filmer Allsop.

Why do you need so many names? I ask him.

“I tell you later,” he whispers.

Well, I guess it is nice to learn your husband’s name, even though in the middle of your wedding!

The wedding reception was in our good old Harvester.

Remember the salad bar, that famous bottomless salad bar!

We even booked a honeymoon in Devon, but the hotel had plumbing issue, so we had to cancel.

That is my wedding story!

As I told you it was a budget wedding.

How was your wedding?

Thanks for reading,


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