How often do we look back and think about our lives? 

Remember the happy times and the regrets that are piling up like Mount Everest!

Just like watching a quick movie about our past.

A cuppa shared with a friend.

A stroll in the park, on a calm autumn Saturday.

Broken sleep due to the horror movie watched the night before.

The first kiss.

The first love.

Family holidays by the beach. 

Putting up the Christmas tree.

Cuddling with your dog. 

Arguments over nothing.


Crying to ourselves. 


Tears running down our cheeks.

Emotional pain in the physical body and believe me, it feels so real.


A drink after work.

A hug from your child.

A new job.

Decorating your home.

Reading a book. 

A moment of silence is what we all need to have all our memories to be refreshed. Why should we? Because we don’t always learn the lessons that we were meant to at the time of our experiences. We need to reflect and think about it in complete silence, separated from our own judging voice. It is only then we can move onto a fresh path to learn new lessons.

I know what you are thinking. What new lessons? I will reveal that in another post. 

For the time being, I want you to understand that with all our joy and sadness, achievements and disappointments, celebrations, and ambitions, we are always learning in this giant school called – LIFE. 

The moment you accept this, you will see your actions with fresh eyes. It will all make sense, just like the puzzle pieces revealing the image as they bond together. 

Moving from a happy note to an upsetting moment, this cycle will repeat itself until we grow in our own ability to understand the specific lessons that were set for us in this lifetime. For this, we need to learn to listen, understand and trust our intuition.

Please follow my blog and be part of my journey of self-discovery. Film reviews to political arguments, holidays to my relationships, I will share bits and bobs from the very core of my life. I hope each experience and lesson I share will be useful for anyone that reads them. Maybe you can share your comments and be part of the conversation.

Try not to hang onto each moment too long. 

Just remember…

In the end, 

We are ready or not, 

Life just rolls on…

Sending you hugs and stars,


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